Home > Tumours > Soft tissue tumours > Adipocytic tumours > Benign lipomatous tumours > Angiolipoma
A subcutaneous tumour composed of mature fat and thin-walled vessels.
This is a tumour of the second and third decade of life, with a male preponderance.
Tumours are often multiple and may be painful.
Yellow to red.
The adipocytes are mature. The capillary vessels are concentrated at the periphery of the tumour and commonly contain fibrin thrombi. Cellular angiolipomas have a predominance of vessels.
Cellular angiolipomas:
Kaposi sarcoma
Benign, with no propensity to recur or transform.
World Health Organization Classification of Tumours, Tumours of Soft Tissues and Bone, IARC Press 2002.
This page last revised 29.6.2004.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop