Home > Tumours > Soft tissue tumours > Benign fibrohistiocytic tumours > Atypical fibrous histiocytoma
The lesion is mainly epidermal, but may show extension into the superficial subcutis(19/591). Pleomorphic cells are set in a background of classical fibrous histiocytoma. There is a spectrum from lesions showing only focal mild pleomorphism to those exhibiting marked pleomorphism.
10/42, focal |
2/42, focal |
0/42 |
0/42 |
0/42 |
0/42 |
0/42 |
NKI-C3 |
2/2, focal |
2/2, focal |
0/42 |
DFSP; usually lacks marked pleomorphism, lacks epidermal hyperplasia, CD34 strongly positive
atypical fibroxanthoma; usually presents on the head or neck of elderly patients, associated with actinic elastosis, lacks a grenz zone, lacks epidermal hyperplasia, lacks entrapped hyalinised collagen bundles, does not extend into subcutis. Pleomorphism is more diffuse.
(angiomatoid) MFH; predominantly subcutaneous, thick fibrous pseudocapsule, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and haemorrhage, desmin and EMA may be positive
pleomorphic fibroma of skin; cellularity is sparse, lacks epidermal hyperplasia and classical features of fibrous histiocytoma
leiomyosarcoma; intersecting bundles of eosinophilic spindle cells, cigar-shaped nuclei, usually lacks marked pleomorphism, desmin positive.
malignant melanoma; S-100 positive
spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma; cytokeratin positive
pseudosarcomatous fibroepithelial stromal polyp; usually vulval, polypoidal, lacks epidermal hyperplasia, lacks a grenz zone,
cutaneous angiosarcoma; spindle cells positive for both CD31 and CD34.
Complete excision with clear margins
Atypical fibrous histiocytoma may recur, particularly in inadequately excised. Rarely, it may metastasis (2/591)and may prove fatal (1/591).
This page last revised 7.5.2002.
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