Home > Clear cell myomelanocytic tumour of the falciform ligament
This is a member of the family of PEComas, co-expressing melanocytic and muscle markers, occurring in or immediately adjacent to the falciform ligament of ligamentum teres.
This is a tumour of children and young adults with a strong female predominance.
Patients present with pain and/or an abdominal mass.
One case occurred in the omentum adjacent to the falciform ligament. A similar tumour has been reported occurring the thigh2. Tumours are firm, tan grey and show haemorrhage and cystic change.
The tumour is composed of spindle cells with clear to pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. The cells are arranged in fascicles and nests. They have small distinct nucleoli. The mitotic count is low, less than 1/20 HPF. There is an elaborate vasculature, resembling that seen in renal cell carcinomas. Necrosis is not seen.
7/71, 1/12 |
0/71, 0/12 |
3/31, 1/12 |
3/31, 0/12 |
3/31, 1/12 |
Myosin |
3/31 |
0/31, 0/12 |
TSC2 |
0/31 |
1/12 |
Cytokeratin |
0/12 |
The spindle cells contain abundant glycogen. There are numerous melanosomes; sometimes a small amount of melanin is present. Hemidesmosomes and primitive cellular junctions are common.
Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses: there is an admixture of spindle and epithelioid areas, with tumour giant cells. Nucleoli are relatively large. There is positivity for S-100 and melanocytic markers but negativity for SMA and myosin. A t(12;22) translocation is characteristic.
Leiomyosarcoma: patients are much older. Fascicles are shorter and intersect at right angles. The tumour cells have more eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclei are cigar-shaped. There is negativity for melanocytic markers but usually positivity for desmin.
Clear cell smooth muscle tumour of childhood
Monotypic angiomyolipoma: is composed of epithelioid cells and lacks a nested pattern. Malignant angiomyolipoma shows frankly sarcomatous features.
These are potentially malignant tumors with a capacity to metastasize.
This page last revised 6.1.2005.
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