Home > Tumours > Upper aerodigestive tract > Idiopathic cervical fibrosis
Sclerosing cervicitis, cervical fibrosclerosis
This condition is most common in the fifth to seventh decades of life with a male predominance.
The lesion has ill-defined margins. It comprises nodular lymphoid aggregates and a hypocellular collagenised sclerotic stroma. There is infiltration into nerves and skeletal muscle. A phlebitis is present. IgG4-positive plasma cells are a conspicuous component . Some cases are associated with an extranodal marginal zone lymphoma or classical Hodgkin lymphoma.
Many of the lymphocytes are CD3+ T-cells. CD20+ B-cells tend to be confined to lymphoid follicles. Plasma cells are polytypic and from 45% to 100% express IgG4.
There is often a dramatic response to steroids.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop