
Home > Antigens > KBA62


The antibody KBA62 was raised against the KAL melanoma cell line and recognises an unknown antigen expressed by melanomas1.  By immunoblotting analysis KBA.62 reacts with 140, 135, 128, 88, and 73 kD polypeptide chains, which are different from those reported for HMB451:

Immunohistochemical expression

Positivity is seen in :

There is negativity in:

Naevi junctional 1/11,
intradermal 7/71,
compound 8/81,
Spitz 2/21,
dysplastic 3/31,
total 21/211,  93%5, 27/276,
Melanomas primary superficial spreading 27/291,
nodular 6/71,
desmoplastic 9/124, 53%5, 28/346,
sacral lentiginous 1/11,
lentigo 2/21,
GI mucosal 39/546,
metastatic 39/471, 184/2146 
total 75/86 (87%)1, 65%5,
Clear cell sarcoma 15/166,
Carcinomas skin squamous cell carcinoma 5/61,
basal cell carcinoma 2/41,
Merkel cell 0/46,  
larynx squamous cell 26/316,  
lung squamous cell carcinoma 2/71, 25/546,  
adenocarcinoma 0/101, 4/326,  
small cell carcinoma 0/61,
large cell carcinoma 5/456,  
  oesophagus, squamous cell 17/276,  
gastrointestinal stomach 1/91, 2/486,  
small intestine 0/41,
large intestine 0/91, 0/486,
liver cholangiocarcinoma 4/206,  
hepatocellular 0/396,  
breast 1/81, 9/716,  
thyroid 0/111, 3/536,  
pancreas 0/11, 5/276,  
ovary 0/21, 3/346,  
kidney 0/41,
bladder, transitional cell 3/256,
prostate 0/21, 0/506,  
testis, embryonal carcinoma 2/226,  
endometrium, adenocarcinoma 2/206,
cervix, squamous cell 14/226,  
adrenocortical 0/21,
nasopharynx 0/21,
thymus 0/11,
sarcomatoid carcinoma larynx/intestine 18/396,  
unknown origin 0/31,
Haematolymphoid chronic myeloid leukaemia


blastic extramedullary myeloid tumour


non Hodgkin lymphoma


small B-cell lymphoma 0/136,  
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 0/206,  
Hodgkin lymphoma 0/191,
Others nerve tumours 0/71, 19%5,
neurofibroma 42/426,  
Schwannoma 13/176,  
malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour 4/84, 16/216,  
vascular tumours 0/91,
mammary adenofibroma 0/11,


phaeochromocytoma 0/21,
nephroblastoma 0/31,
renal oncocytoma 0/11,
testis, seminoma 12/436,  
mesothelioma 0/11, 5/316,  
thymoma 0/21,
leiomyoma 0/41,
histiocytofibroma 0/11,
liposarcoma 0/11,
synovial sarcoma 0/11, 9/146,  
leiomyosarcoma 32/336,  
leiomyoblastosarcoma 0/11,
rhabdomyosarcoma 0/31,
Ewing sarcoma 0/11,
  scar tissue 1/44,
  nodular fasciitis 15/156,  
  PEComa, liver and uterus 1/136,  
  lymphangioleiomyomatosis 3/76,  
  angiomyolipoma of kidney 0/176,  
  angiosarcoma 4/146,  
  GIST, stomach and intestine 73/1036,  
  solitary fibrous tumour / haemangiopericytoma 10/366,  
  malignant fibrous histiocytoma 11/326,  
  meningioma 4/166,  


Diagnostic utility


1 Cohen-Knafo E, al Saati T, Aziza J, Ralfkiaer E, Selves J, Gorguet B, et al. Production and characterisation of an antimelanoma monoclonal antibody KBA.62 using a new melanoma cell line reactive on paraffin wax embedded sections. J Clin Pathol. 1995 Sep;48(9):826-31.

2 Kaufmann O, Koch S, Burghardt J, Audring H, Dietel M. Tyrosinase, melan-A, and KBA62 as markers for the immunohistochemical identification of metastatic amelanotic melanomas on paraffin sections. Mod Pathol. 1998 Aug;11(8):740-6.

3 Pages C, Rochaix P, al Saati T, Valmary-Degano S, Boulinguez S, Launay F, et al. KBA.62: a useful marker for primary and metastatic melanomas. Hum Pathol. 2008 Aug;39(8):1136-42.

4  Bernaba BN, Vogiatzis PI, Binder SW, Cassarino DS. Potentially useful markers for desmoplastic melanoma: an analysis of KBA.62, p-AKT, and ezrin. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011 Jun;33(4):333-7; quiz 8-40.

5 Shanesmith RP, Smart C, Cassarino DS. Tissue microarray analysis of ezrin, KBA.62, CD166, nestin, and p-Akt in melanoma versus banal and atypical nevi, and nonmelanocytic lesions. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011 Oct;33(7):663-8.

6 Aung PP, Sarlomo-Rikala M, Lasota J, Lai JP, Wang ZF, Miettinen M. KBA62 and PNL2: 2 new melanoma markers-immunohistochemical analysis of 1563 tumors including metastatic, desmoplastic, and mucosal melanomas and their mimics. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012 Feb;36(2):265-72.

This page last revised 29.2.2012.

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