
Home > Tumours > Salivary gland tumours > Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma

Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma


This is a predominantly intraduct low-grade carcinoma

Clinical features

Most tumours arise in the parotid gland but rarely minor salivary glands may be affected.

Macroscopic appearances

The tumour is grossly cystic.


Cystic ducts contain micropapillary, tufted and plaque-like intraluminal projections. Other ducts are distended by cribriform or slid proliferations. Cells are cuboidal to low columnar and are cytologically bland. There are abundant intra-cytoplasmic vacuoles. Apocrine metaplasia is common. Tumour cells may contain yellow-brown pigment. Psammoma bodies may be present.


Differential diagnosis


The prognosis is good.


1Perez-Ordonez B. Selected topics in salivary gland tumour pathology. Current Diagnostic Pathology2003;9:355-365.

This page last revised 31.1.2004.

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