Home > Tumours > Salivary gland tumours > Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma
This is a predominantly intraduct low-grade carcinoma
Most tumours arise in the parotid gland but rarely minor salivary glands may be affected.
The tumour is grossly cystic.
Cystic ducts contain micropapillary, tufted and plaque-like intraluminal projections. Other ducts are distended by cribriform or slid proliferations. Cells are cuboidal to low columnar and are cytologically bland. There are abundant intra-cytoplasmic vacuoles. Apocrine metaplasia is common. Tumour cells may contain yellow-brown pigment. Psammoma bodies may be present.
Conventional salivary duct carcinoma, a high-grade malignancy.
The prognosis is good.
1Perez-Ordonez B. Selected topics in salivary gland tumour pathology. Current Diagnostic Pathology2003;9:355-365.
This page last revised 31.1.2004.
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