Home > Tumours > Soft tissue tumours > Perivascular tumours > Malignant myopericytoma
Clinical features
These tumours may arise superficially or in deep locations in various anatomic sites. The patient may have a history of previous benign myopericytomas.
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All of the below lack a concentric perivascular growth pattern.
Leiomyosarcoma: the cytoplasm is more brightly eosinophilic and the cells are plumper. They are usually positive for desmin but not in a dot-like pattern.
MPNST: there are typically alternating hypercellular and hypocellular areas. Nuclei are serpentine. 20% of cases show focal positivity for SMA and 50% are positive for S-100.
Monophasic synovial sarcoma: contain wiry collagen and cells do not appear myoid. At least focally positive for cytokeratins and EMA.
Four of five tumours pursued an aggressive course1.
This page last revised 12.1.2004.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop