Home > Tumours > Skin > Merkel cell carcinoma > Merkel cell carcinoma of the skin vs metastatic small cell carcinoma
Use TTF-1, CK20 and neurofilament in combination:
Atypical basal cell carcinoma |
0/212, 0/183 ,0/234 ,0/115, 0/136, 0/2110, 0/2211, 1/3012 |
35/362, 27/283, 43/524, 10/105, 11/136, 28/3310, 9/911, 43/5912 |
0/1911 |
33/341, 16/212, 16/183, 23/234, 10/115, 13/136, 95%10, 19/2211 |
1/371, 1/362, 1/283, 0/524, 0/105 ,1/136, 33%10, 0/911 |
12/136, 25/407, 17/258, 9/99 |
0/136, 0/227, negative7, 0/289 |
13/2211 |
8/911 |
0/3012 | 49/5912 | ||||
9 Shah IA, Netto D, Schlageter MO, et al. Neurofilament immunoreactivity in Merkel-cell tumors: a differentiating feature from small-cell carcinoma. Mod Pathol 1993; 6:3-9
This page last revised 22.11.2008.