A benign endobronchial tumour showing both squamous and glandular epithelium, of which the latter should constitute at least one third.
Transitional cell papilloma.
These tumours are extremely rare. Smoking may play an aetiological role, but there is no evidence that HPV does so 1.
Presentation is with obstructive symptoms.
The lesion is polypoidal.
There is a fibrovascular core covered by squamous and glandular epithelium. The squamous epithelium may show atypia1.
Inflammatory endobronchial polyps with squamous metaplasia: there is abundant granulation tissue. and a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.
Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
Papillary variant of mucous gland adenoma: lacks fibrovascular stromal cores.
Papillary adenomas: are not within airways.
Papillary adenocarcinoma: shows atypia and invasion.
Thought to be benign
This page last revised 8.4.2005.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop