Home > Antigens > Thyroid transcription factor-1 > TTF-1 in Extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma
Positivity for TTF-1 in extra-pulmonary
small cell carcinoma
The frequency of positivity for TTF-1 appears to vary
between different anatomical sites:
orbit |
0/14 |
sinonasal |
0/14, 1/1
(brain metastasis from paranasal sinus)3 |
thyroid |
1/12 |
salivary gland |
0/12, 0/14, 3/156, 1/3 (described
as high-grade neuroendocrine tumours)8 |
thymus |
0/34 |
larynx |
1/14 |
tract, NOS |
2/123 |
oesophagus |
(Clone 8G7G3/1)19, 9/15(clone
not stated)26 |
stomach |
intestine |
(described as high-grade neuroendocrine
tumours)8 |
appendix |
0/17 |
colorectum |
(described as high-grade neuroendocrine
tumours)8 |
liver |
(described as high-grade neuroendocrine
tumour)8, 0/112, 1/120,
0/121 |
pancreas |
1/14 |
pelvis |
1/14 |
urinary bladder |
2/41, 2/32, 1/34, 2/10 (described
as high-grade neuroendocrine tumours)8, 2/1015,
(there was no staining for TTF-1 in the
urothelial carcinoma component present in 29 of the cases)16,
(in addition, 2/2 large cell neuroendocrine
carcinomas of the bladder were positive)17 |
prostate |
(using Dako antibody)1,
5/52, 1/34, 5/5 (described
as high-grade neuroendocrine tumours)8, 23/44 |
ovary |
type |
(using monoclonal 8G7G3/1)10,
0/1525 |
type |
(using monoclonal 8G7G3/1)10,
(This small cell carcinoma arose
within a microinvasive mucinous cystadenocarcionoma of
the ovary. The small cell carcinoma showed moderate to
strong positivity of most nuclei, the borderline epithelium
moderate positivity of a few nuclei)18 |
cervix |
1/71, 0/12, 7/164, 2/3 (described
as high-grade neuroendocrine tumours of uterus: the exact site
is not clear)8, 3/8 (using
monoclonal 8G7G3/1)10 |
vagina |
1/311 |
endometrium |
0/14 |
breast |
1/24, 1/3
(described as high-grade neuroendocrine
tumours)8, 2/109, 2/214,
0/113, 0/123, 0/124,
was an in situ small cell component. Both the invasive and
the in situ small cell carcinoma were positive for chromogranin,
synaptophysin, CD56, TTF-1. The invasive component was positive
for E-cadherin, CAM5.2, CK7 and CK20 but negative for oestrogen
receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2, and GCDFP-15.27, 1(tumour showed both
in situ and invasive components)28 |
adrenal |
1/14 |
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This page last
revised 29.1.2011.