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I do not currently include any technical aspects of immunohistochemistry, such as best methods. Try the UK NEQAS site, http://www.ukneqasicc.ucl.ac.uk/neqasicc.shtml. Similarly, the Nordic Immunohistochemistry Quality Control Scheme lists good protocols at: http://www.nordiqc.org/Protocols.htm
Quality assurance usually addresses only technical aspects of immunohistochemistry. However, a study with Germanic thoroughness looked at the entire diagnostic pathway - from tentative morphological diagnosis, through selection of antibodies, and interpretation of staining, to the diagnostic conclusions1. The authors state "The major problem of applying immunohistochemistry in surgical pathology appears to be its integration to the diagnostic process and not the staining quality." It is my hope that this vade mecum makes a contribution to the appropriate selection and accurate interpretation of immunohistochemical stains.
"Pitfalls in diagnostic immunohistology" gives a recent overview, predominently of technical aspects of the subject2.
2Leong A S-Y. Pitfalls in Diagnostic Immunohistology. Adv Anat Pathol 2004;11:86-89.