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CD30 positive cells in cutaneous inflammatory lesions

Positivity for CD30 is found in a large range of non-neoplastic skin lesion. Of itself, it is not grounds for a diagnosis of malignancy.

Conditions in which CD30 expression has been reported include:

Atypical lymphoid cells in a Golgi & membrane distribution in:



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3Nathan, D. L. and D. V. Belsito (1998). "Carbamazepine-induced pseudolymphoma with CD-30 positive cells." J Am Acad Dermatol 38(5 Pt 2): 806-9.

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7Smoller, B. R., T. A. Longacre, et al. (1992). "Ki-1 (CD30) expression in differentiation of lymphomatoid papulosis from arthropod bite reactions." Mod Pathol 5(5): 492-6.

This page last revised 13.1.2004.

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