
Home > Antigens > CD 30


The CD 30 gene is located at on chromosome one at 1p36. It appears to be a lymphoid activation gene and is part of the nerve growth factor/TNF superfamily. The protein product is a 120 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein8. Its ligand, CD30L, has homology to TNF.

Ber-H2 identifies an epitope which survives routine fixation and processing9. The antigen is masked by prolonged fixation and efficient antigen retrieval is required8. Mercury-based fixatives such as B5 impair immunoreactivity.

Immunohistochemical expression

The Ki-1 antibody recognises both an intracellular protein and a transmembrane glycoprotein, which are apparently unrelated. Reaction with the former may account for some positivity with Ki-1 which cannot be reproduced using Ber-H2. The transmembrane glycoprotein is often referred to as the true CD 30 antigen.

Some of the immunoreactivity in non-lymphoid tissues listed below is weak and non-reproducible and disappears when antigen retrieval is by heating rather than enzymatic digestion1. Various patterns of staining are seen; dot-like paranuclear staining of the Golgi apparatus and membrane staining are restricted to lymphoid cells and embryonal carcinoma, while diffuse staining is seen in a variety of other malignant neoplasms8.




Garcia-Prats 199810




Diagnostic utility


1H Durkop et al. Expression of the CD30 antigen in non-lymphoid tissues and cells. J Pathol 2000;190:613-618.

2Mechtersheimer, G., Moller, P. Expression of the Ki-1 (CD30) antigen in mesenchymal tumors. Cancer 1990;66:1732-1737.

3K Ito et al. High expression of the CD30 molecule in human decidual cells. Am J Pathol 1994;145:276-280.

4D Sohail et al. Ber-H2 staining in lipoblasts. Histopathology 1990;18:409-413.

5G Mechtersheimer et al. Antigenic profile of mammary fibroadenoma and cystosarcoma phyllodes. A study using antibodies to estrogen- and progesterone receptors and to a panel of cell surface molecules. Pathol Res Pract 1990;186:427-438.

6P Rudolph et al. Expression of CD30 and nerve growth factor-receptor in neoplastic and reactive vascular lesions: an immunohistochemical study. Histopathology 1993;23:173-8.

7Christie Problems in Tumour Patholgy, 7.6.2002.

8Pileri, S. A., Ascani, S., Leoncini, L., Sabattini, E., Zinzani, P. L., Piccaluga, P. P., Pileri, A., Jr., Giunti, M., Falini, B., Bolis, G. B., Stein, H. Hodgkin's lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint. J Clin Pathol 2002;55:162-176.

9Leong A S-Y, Cooper K and Leong FJ W-M. Manual of diagnostic antibodies for immunohistology. 2nd edition, 2003

10Garcia-Prats, M. D., C. Ballestin, et al. (1998). "A comparative evaluation of immunohistochemical markers for the differential diagnosis of malignant pleural tumours." Histopathology 32(5): 462-72.


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