
Home > Tumours > Upper aerodigestive tract > Sinonasal adenocarcinoma

Sinonasal adenocarcinoma, intestinal type

Sinonasal adenocarcinoma, may be of intestinal or non-intestinal type.

Clinical features

80% of patients are male4. The ethmoid sinus is most often affected, followed by the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. There is an association with exposure to hardwood dusts in the woodworking industry.


Most tumours resemble conventional colorectal adenocarcinoma. Some tumours are mucinous, including alveolar goblet cell and signet ring cell variants. Haemorrhage and necrosis may be extensive4.




intestinal type

non-intestinal type



15/153, 7/94




8/94, 4/45

1/34, 0/35

Cytokeratin 7


5/51, 15/153, 8/94, 5/55

3/31, 3/34, 3/35

Cytokeratin 20


5/51, 15/153, 6/94, 5/55

0/31, 0/34, 0/35

Positivity of adenocarcinomas for CDX-2 and CK20, albeit with retention of CK7, at sites outside the gastrointestinal tract, may be a manifestation of the acquisition of an intestinal phenotype.


Differential diagnosis


These are aggressive neoplasms, showing both local recurrence and metastases. The five year survival for sinonasal high grade intestinal type adenocarcinoma is less than 20%4.


1Chu, P. G. and L. M. Weiss (2002). Keratin expression in human tissues and neoplasms. Histopathology 40(5): 403-39. (Summary data from multiple papers)

2Perez-Ordonez B. Special tumours of the head and neck. Current Diagnostic Pathology 2003;9:366-383.

3Franchi, A., D. Massi, et al. (2003). CDX-2 homeobox gene expression. Am J Surg Pathol 27(10): 1390-1.

4Cathro, H. P. and S. E. Mills (2004). "Immunophenotypic differences between intestinal-type and low-grade papillary sinonasal adenocarcinomas: an immunohistochemical study of 22 cases utilizing CDX2 and MUC2." Am J Surg Pathol 28(8): 1026-32.

5Krane JF, Modern Pathology 2000 13:139A (abstract)

6Choi, H. R., E. M. Sturgis, et al. (2003). "Sinonasal adenocarcinoma: evidence for histogenetic divergence of the enteric and nonenteric phenotypes." Hum Pathol 34(11): 1101-7.

This page last revised 6.9.2004.

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