
Home > Antigens > CD 45RO

CD45RO (UCHL1, A6, OPD4)

CD45RO is an isoform of CD45 that is found on thymocytes and T-cells. Antibodies UCHL1 and A6 are effective on paraffin-embedded tissue2. CD3 is a more specific T-cell marker.

Immunohistochemical expression

Diagnostic utility

See: comparison of sensitivities and specificities of T and B cell markers


1M Steward et al. Production and characterization of a new monoclonal antibody effective in recognizing the CD3 T-cell associated antigen in formalin-fixed embedded tissue. Histopathology 1997;30:16-22.

2Leong A S-Y, Cooper K and Leong FJ W-M. Manual of diagnostic antibodies for immunohistology. 2nd edition, 2003

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