Home > Antigens > Cytokeratins > Cytokeratin 14
Normal tissues:
myoepithelial cells of breast glands and ducts
myoepithelial cells of salivary gland ducts and acini
basal layer of epidermis and squamous mucosa
Organ |
other |
head and neck |
27/301 |
oesophagus |
14/141 |
lung |
13/151, 35/372 , 18/348 |
2/101, 7/332 , 0/298 |
pleura |
breast |
stomach |
0/81 |
colon |
1/201, 0/618 |
liver |
pancreas |
1/131 |
parotid |
kidney |
0/191 |
bladder |
prostate |
0/181 , 0/648 |
uterus |
ovary |
3/241, 4/458 |
skin |
gastrointestinal tract |
thymus |
adrenal |
thyroid |
brain |
miscellaneous |
Overall |
92% (102/111) |
7% (16/221) |
Cytokeratin immunoreactive |
well differentiated |
8/91 |
moderately differentiated |
33/351 |
poorly differentiated |
26/301 |
CK14 |
Anti-mitochondrial antibody mES-13 |
Brain |
metastatic oncocytic neuroendocrine carcinoma |
1/19 |
1/19 |
Ethmoid sinus |
Oncocytic adenocarcinoma |
1/19 |
1/19 |
Salivary gland |
Warthin's tumour |
7/79 |
6/69 |
Oncocytoma |
1/19 |
1/19 |
Thyroid gland |
Oncocytic carcinoma |
3/39 |
1/19 |
Hurthle cell adenoma |
6/69 |
3/39 |
Adrenal gland |
Benign oncocytoma |
3/39 |
3/39 |
Kidney |
8/89 |
4/49 |
0/209 |
20/209 |
Conventional renal cell carcinoma with granular cytoplasm |
1/279 |
27/279 |
0/39 |
3/39 |
Chromophobe renal carcinoma with eosinophilic cytoplasm |
3/39 |
3/39 |
Type 2 papillary renal carcinoma |
0/49 |
4/49 |
0/39 |
3/39 |
Collecting duct renal carcinoma |
0/29 |
2/29 |
Identification of squamous cell carcinomas, particularly those which are poorly differentiated. It may be used in combination with p63 and CK5/68.
Differentiation of oxyphil adenomas from carcinomas of the parathyroid4.
Differentiation of intraduct from invasive salivary duct carcinoma by the positive staining of basal cells surrounding the in-situ neoplasm5.
Differentiation of benign from malignant prostatic glands. Staining is often very intermittent, and is absent from some benign glands, while background staining is stronger than for either LP34 or CK5/6. The latter are probably therefore superior for this usage7.
Differentiation of oncocytomas from their mimics9.
8 Reis-Filho JS, Simpson PT, Martins A, Preto A, Gartner F,Schmitt FC Distribution of p63, cytokeratins 5/6 and cytokeratin 14 in 51 normal and 400 neoplastic human tissue samples using TARP-4 multi-tumor tissue microarray. Virchows Arch 2003; 443:122-32 This study used tissue microarrays.
This page last revised 21.1.2007.
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