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GCDFP-15 in primary lung adenocarcinoma
subset of primary adenocarcinomas
of lung show positivity for GCDF-15;
these tumours occur in both sexes and have a distinctive morphology with
mucin production and co-expression of TTF-1.
tumour has a acinar or cribriform architecture, often with a papillary component. At the periphery
of the tumour, there may be lepidic spread. There is intra- and extra-cellular
mucin. The tumour cells are large, columnar or polygonal with copious
cytoplasm, eosinophilic or clear. Sometimes the cells appear apocrine.
Nuclei are large and oval. Psammoma body formation may occur. The stroma
may include a marked lymphocytic infiltrate.
of 211 of pulmonary adenocarcinomas were positive for GCDF-15:
positive cases usually show staining of about 20% of tumour cells. In these
GCDFP-15 positive
tumours, other antibodies showed the following results:
1 Striebel
JM, Dacic S,Yousem SA. ross cystic disease fluid protein-(GCDFP-15): expression
in primary lung adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2008; 32:426-32
page last revised 26.4.2008