Primary Pulmonary Myxoid Sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 fusion


A single paper has been published which describes Primary Pulmonary Myxoid Sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 fusion as an extremely rare primary pulmonary sarcoma resembling extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, but with immunoreactivity limited to vimentin and EMA, and having a characteristic gene fusion.  


Patients are aged 27 to 67 with a mean of 45 years.  There is a female predominance.  There may be an association with cigarette smoking.

Clinical features

Presentation is with cough, haemoptysis or constitutional symptoms of fever and weight loss, or with the incidental finding of a thoracic mass.


Macroscopic appearances

The tumours are predominantly endobronchial.  They are well circumscribed with a glistening/gelatinous cut surface.   


The tumour is in proximity to a bronchus but with infiltration of the lung parenchyma.  There may be a peripheral fibrous pseudocapsule.  A lobular architecture is apparent.  The tumour cells are spindled, stellate or polygonal, forming cords or single or in small groups within the prominent  lightly basophilic myxoid stroma.  Cellular atypia is variable between cases.  Focal necrosis is common.    The mitotic rate varies from 0 to 32 / 10 HPF but is usually less than 5 / 10 HPF.  There may be a lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate with lymphoid follicles and some eosinophils.  There is no chondroid deafferentation and lipoblasts are absent.  


  Vimentin 5/5  
EMA 3/5
S100 1/9
AE1/AE3 0/9
CK5/6 0/2
CK7 0/3
CK20 0/2
34bE12 0/2
p63 0/2
TTF-1 0/5
HMB45 0/3
Melan-A 0/2
Desmin 0/9
SMA 0/9
CD34 0/9
CD56 1/6
Chromogranin 1/6
Synaptophysin 1/6
Hyaluronidase sensitive Alcian Blue 5/5


Molecular genetics

  RT-PCR EWSR1-CREB1 translocation 7/9  
FISH EWSR1 breakpoint 7/10


NR4A3-TAF15 0/7


Differential diagnosis



Two of ten patients developed metastases.


1 Thway K, Nicholson AG, Lawson K, Gonzalez D, Rice A, Balzer B, et al. Primary Pulmonary Myxoid Sarcoma With EWSR1-CREB1 Fusion: A New Tumor Entity. Am J Surg Pathol. 2011 Nov;35(11):1722-32.

This page last revised 17.5.2009

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