Home > Tumours > Mediastinum > Thymus > Neuroendocrine tumours of the thymus > Thymic carcinoid tumour
There is an association with MEN I and with Cushing syndrome2,3. Almost all MEN-associated cases occur in men. Carcinoid syndrome is very rare.
This is a well-differentiated tumour composed of a uniform population of cells forming nests, ribbons, festoons and glands.
Classic carcinoid: polygonal cells have granular amphophilic cytoplasm.
Spindle cell carcinoid: appearances are as for spindle cell carcinoid of lung.
Pigmented carcinoid: tumour cells and histiocytes contain melanin.
Oncocytic/oxyphilic carcinoid.
Mucinous carcinoid
Angiomatoid carcinoid.
Carcinoid with sarcomatous change.
With amyloid: the tumour cells are positive for calcitonin and there is amyloid deposition in the stroma, making this tumour indistinguishable from medullary carcinoma of the thyroid.
Atypical carcinoid shows a mitotic count of 2 to 10 per 2 mm3 (10 HPF) and necrosis. The proportion of carcinoid fulfilling this criterion is greater than for pulmonary carcinoids.
"Paraganglioid" carcinoid includes S-100 positive sustentacular cells3.
Some cases arise from germ cell tumours4.
Typical carcinoid |
atypical carcinoid |
11/123, 3/35 |
1/35 |
3/3 (one case only weak)2 |
5/62, 3/35 |
3/32 |
5/62, 2/35 |
Grimelius |
8/133 |
3/32 |
6/62, 13/133 |
3/32 |
6/6 (one case focal)2 |
2/35 |
0/133 |
3/133, 1/35 |
0/35 |
Metastatic carcinoid, particularly from lung.
Other thymic neuroendocrine tumours
Parathyoid carcinoma
Paraganglioma: negative for cytokeratins
Thymic carcinoids are often not ameneable to complete resection3.
The prognosis is poor, irrespective of grade2, with a median survival of 28 months in one series3. Half of all atypical carcinoids show local invasion or metastases. Distant metastases are common3.
J Rosai et al. Histological typing of tumours of the thymus. WHO International histological classification of tumours. Springer-Verlag, second edition, 1999.
5Histopathology 2004;44:367-374.
This page last revised 13.4.2004.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop