Home > Tumours > Mediastinum > Thymus > Thymic carcinomas > Thymic spindle cell carcinoma
This is a spindle cell variant of thymic carcinoma.
All cases in this series were in the anterior mediastinum, without evidence of tumour elsewhere1.
These tumours are infiltrative, invading adjacent structures.
There is usually an admixture of conventional spindle cell thymoma and more cellular areas of spindle cells with nuclei showing coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli and frequent mitoses. There may be vascular invasion. Comedo necrosis is common. There may be some retention of a lobular architecture. The atypical spindle cells may form small nests separated by a desmoplastic stroma. There may variously be foci of lymphoepithelioma-like, squamous or undifferentiated carcinoma.
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Carcinosarcoma: a biphasic tumour in which the spindle cell component is negative for epithelial markers.
Atypical spindle cell tumours of the mediastinum:
spindle cell carcinoma of the lung
sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma
spindle cell melanoma
This is an aggressive tumour, with 5 of 10 patients dying of tumour within 5 years1.
This page last revised 29.3.2004.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop