Home > Tumours > Genitourinary tract > Bladder > Urothelium normal v reactive v carcinoma in situ
Urothelium shows a complex pattern of cytokeratin expression.
normal urothelium (10 cases) |
umbrella cells only |
membranous staining of the basal layer only |
none to focal and very weak |
reactive urothelium (15 cases) |
umbrella cells only |
membranous overstaining of the full thickness of the urothelium (9 cases) patchy positivity of basal and intermediate cells (6 cases). |
none to patchy and weak, predominantly in the basal layer. |
carcinoma in situ (21 cases) |
cytoplasmic overexpression by more than 50% of cells in 17 cases |
no staining except in basal layer |
overexpression in 12 cases |
The combination of positivity for CK20 and p53 with negativity for CD44s in atypical cells favours CIS, whereas the reverse favours reactive atypia. In Pagetoid spread of CIS, the neoplastic cells are highlighted by CK20 and p53.
This page last revised 27.12.2001.