Home > gamma-delta cutaneous lymphoma
This is a rare lymphoma with only 23 cases reported1.
Patients cover a wide age range,with a male predominance. There are erythematous skin plaques (sometimes resembling classical mycosis fungoides), nodules or tumours. Mucosal involvement has been reported (possibly related to enteropathy-type T-cell lymphoma and nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma).
May resemble mycosis fungoides; the lymphocytes are enlarged but lack cerebriform nuclei. Other cases show involvement of the reticular dermis and subcutis, resembling subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma. Most cases show a band of lymphocytes along the base of the epidermis with only single intra-epidermal lymphocytes, but on occasion there is extensive epidermotropism with pagetoid reticulosis-like features.
positive |
negative |
negative, rarely positive |
negative |
negative |
positive |
perforin |
positive |
granzyme-B |
positive |
TCRd1 |
positive |
Aggressive with 36% survival at five years.
This page last revised 26.12.2002.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop