Home > Antigens > pax gene products
most Wilm's tumours3
renal cell carcinomas:
some rhabdomyosarcomas with translocations of chromosome 132.
endocrine progenitor cells, pancreatic islet cells and pancreatic endocrine tumours
pancreatic islet cells and pancreatic endocrine tumours
critical to organogenesis in the thyroid, kidney and Mullerian system
positive in B-lymphocytes
follicular thyroid neoplasms commonly show a t(2;3)(q13;p25) translocation, resulting in a Pax8-pparg fusion gene4. Pparg is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gene. The result is over-expression of pparg, which can be detected by immunohistochemistry in follicular thyroid neoplasms but not in other thyroid tumours4.
positive in renal epithelial tumours and urothelial carcinomas
positive in many serous ovarian tumours but negative in most peritoneal malignant mesotheliomas.
Positive in many pancreatic endocrine tumours, duodenal and rectal carcinoids but negative in ileal and pulmonary carcinoids
This page last revised 16.8.2005.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop