This is an unusual variant of mesothelioma of low malignant potential. It occurs in the peritoneum predominantly in young women (3rd and 4th decade)1, and in the pleura, in middle aged to elderly patients4, equally between sexes or predominantly in men1. Rarely, it occurs in the pericardium2 or tunica vaginalis3. There is some reported association in pleural cases with asbestos exposure4, but less well established than for diffuse malignant mesothelioma.
There is often a free-flowing effusion. Patients may present with recurrent pneumothoraces4.
Pleural cases commonly show effusions. There may be calcified pleural plaques. Peritoneal cases are associated with ascites and bowel wall / mesenteric thickening.
There may be studding of the mesothelial surface by small white to tan nodules or fine granularity, or a single fungating mass.
The limited evidence is that the pattern of Immunoreactivity is as for diffuse epithelioid malignant mesothelioma.
9/91 |
9/91, 24/244 |
6/6 (in four cases, staining was both nuclear and cytoplasmic)1, 22/22 (nuclear staining)4 |
24/244 |
4/41 |
2/412, 18/18 (membranous staining)4 |
0/71, 0/244 |
0/214 |
0/214 |
0/51 |
0/51, 0/34 |
p53 |
8/11 (variable proportion of nuclei)4 |
Reactive mesothelial hyperplasia: usually also shows inflammation. A papillary configuration is unusual but when present, the cores may be hyalinised4. Staining for desmin may be helpful.
Diffuse malignant mesothelioma with a prominent papillary pattern: exclusion requires adequate sampling. The papillae show a back-to-back arrangement, lacking stout fibrovascular cores.
Carcinomatosis of the peritoneum or pleura: immunohistochemistry will resolve this differential.
Generally, this is an indolent condition, but prognosis is variable, with with some cases resolving on chemotherapy, others progressing to diffuse malignant mesothelioma1. In one study, average survival was 74 months4 (compared with less than one year for diffuse malignant mesothelioma).
This page last revised 24.12.2003.