Home > Tumours > Gastrointestinal tract > Small intestine > Carcinoid tumours of duodenum and ampulla of Vater
Ampullary carcinoids commonly (>60%) cause jaundice.
duodenal carcinoid |
ampullary Carcinoid |
6/81, 97%* |
1/51, 92%* |
2/81 |
1/51, 100%* |
91%* |
7/81, 83%* |
4/51, 100%* |
1/81 |
0/51 |
gastrin |
6/81, 68%* |
1/51 |
Duodenal carcinoids appear to be indolent with a 5-year death rate of 5.3%. Spread into the muscularis propria, size >2 cm and mitotic activity are risk factors for metastasis. Ampullary carcinoids are more aggressive, with a death rate of 33% at 4.2 years.
This page last revised 6.5.2002.
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