A mesenchymal polyp of the colorectum comprising a monomorphic spindle cell proliferation separating entrapped colonic crypts. It is argued that fibroblastic polyp and perineuroma of the colon are the same entity5.
Fibroblastic polyps constitute about 0.2% of all colonic polyps1. They are found across a wide adult age range.
These polyps are up to 1.5 cm in diameter and solitary, but there are frequently associated hyperplastic polyps1.
The lesion is circumscribed but unencapsulated. The lamina propria is expanded by a monomorphic spindle cell proliferation. The spindle cells have pale cytoplasm and oval or tapered nuclei. The spindle cell proliferation widely separates colonic crypts. Cytological pleomorphism, necrosis and mitotic activity are absent. Stellate and giant cells are not a feature. There is no necrosis. Mitotic figures are not seen. Mast cells are abundant. The overlying epithelium is intact.
Fibroblastic polyp |
Perineuroma |
14/141, 8/84 |
4/43 |
2/141, 2/43 |
2/102 |
2/141, 0/84 |
0/102 |
0/141, 0/84 |
0/102 |
0/43 |
0/43 |
0/141 |
0/84 |
0/43 |
0/141, 0/84 |
0/102 |
0/141, 0/43, 0/84 |
9/102 |
0/84 |
0/102 |
0/141 |
0/141, 0/84 |
0/102 |
0/84 |
0/102 |
1/43 |
4/102 |
0/102 |
0/102 |
0/43 |
PG-M1 |
0/84 |
0/84 |
0/84 |
~1%4 |
Inflammatory fibroid polyps: an oedematous stroma contains inflammatory cells, including numerous eosinophils. Characteristically, there are concentric fibroblasts around blood vessels. The stromal cells are positive for CD34 but negative for CD117. Benign fibroblastic polyps possibly represent an early stage of formation of inflammatory fibroid polyps.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumour: CD117 positive.
Solitary fibrous tumour: positive for CD34 and bcl-2.
Nerve sheath tumours & neuroma: S-100 positive
perineuroma: EMA positive
Mucosal neuroma: positive for S-100.
These tumours do not recur after resection.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop