Home > Prologue > Updates and news > May 2010
I have upgraded my development software from RoboHelp 2000 to RoboHelp 8, not a trivial undertaking. I am therefore initially offering this edition version alongside the April 2009 version, for those willing to test it. RoboHelp 8 gives me an improved development environment and promises a number of advantages to users. The web version should work with any browser. If you are using anything other than Internet Explorer, please let me know whether you have any problems or not. I should soon be able to produce compiled versions other than in the .chm file format; the latter is potentially capable of harbouring viruses. Although I screen for viruses, I know that some hospital IT systems block .chm files. I hope that the upgrade will allow me to add new features, although it may take a while to get rid of any glitches that have been introduced. I do not think that I will be able to produce Palmtop versions in the future, unless there is a volunteer out there who would like to take this on.