Home > Tumours > Salivary gland tumours > Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland
The most common malignant tumour of salivary glands, it constitutes 15.5% of all salivary gland tumours and 29% of all malignancies, occurring in both major and minor salivary glands2.
Mucoepidermoid carcinomas are composed of varying proportions of epidermoid, glandular, mucous and intermediate cells.
Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma with eosinophilia. This uncommon tumour of the salivary gland resembles the tumour of the thyroid of this name. The borders are infiltrative. There is a sclerotic stroma infiltrated by chronic inflammatory cells and eosinophils. The epithelial cells are predominantly squamoid with focal keratinisation and have the cytology of a low grade carcinoma. They merge with a mucinous glandular element6.
Oncocytic variant: characteristed by extensive oncocytic cells but also cytopalsmic mucin, mucin-filled cystic spaces or non-oncocytic islands. This type is rare6.
Various grading systems have been proposed6:
Traditional: low, intermediate and high grade
Evans: low or high grade based on >10% or <10% intracystic spaces (excluding areas of stroma and extravasated mucus).
AFIP: Intracystic component <20%; score 2, neural invasion; score 2, necrosis; score 3, mitoses>=4/10HPF; score 3, anaplasia; score 4: score 0-4; low grade, score 5-6; intermediate grade, score >=7; high grade. This grading has been improved by adding lymphovascular invasion, bone invasion and invasive small tumour nests7.
21/218 |
20/202, 21/218 |
28/282 |
28/282 |
8/82 |
28/282 |
0/218 |
20/204, 44/623 |
13/194, 43/633 |
A specific translocation has been identifed, t(11;19)(q21;p13)6. This fuses MECT1 with MAML2.
Differential diagnosis
High grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma:
Squamous cell carcinoma. Mucoepidermoid carcinomas contain mucins, as demonstrated by Alcian blue or antibodies to MUC5AC5.
Oncocytic variant: oncocytoma; oncocytoma comprises a pure population of concotyic cells.
There is a broad spectrum of aggressiveness. Outcome is dependent on tumour grade, margin status, location of the tumour and nodal status2. Negativity for MUC1 and positivity for MUC4 may be associated with a better prognosis3,5. MECT1-MAML2 fusion-positivity is associated with much less aggressive behaviour6, with a median survival of over 10 years, compared to 1.6 years for fusion-negative patients6. The AFIP grading predicts outcome for intra-oral and parotid tumours: submandibular tumours have a significant metastatic potential irrespective of grade6.
1 Chu, P. G. and L. M. Weiss (2002). "Keratin expression in human tissues and neoplasms." Histopathology 40(5): 403-39. (Summary data from multiple papers)
2 Perez-Ordonez B. Selected topics in salivary gland tumour pathology. Current Diagnostic Pathology2003;9:355-365.
4 Alos L, Lujan B, Castillo M. Expression of mucins (MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6) in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands. Modern Pathology 2004;17:926 (abstract)
6 Cheuk W,Chan JK. Advances in salivary gland pathology. Histopathology 2007; 51:1-20
This page last revised 4.8.2007.
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