Home > Tumours > Haematolymphoid > Mature T-cell and NK cell neoplasms > Peripheral T cell lymphoma, unspecified
Those peripheral T-cell lymphomas which cannot currently be otherwise classified.
50% of all peripheral T-cell lymphomas
variable |
variable |
usually positive |
variable |
variable |
usually negative |
positive in large cell variant |
may be positive |
granzyme B |
rare |
perforin |
rare |
rare |
usually negative. Positive B-cells may be present. |
: fresh frozen tissue only
Differential diagnosis
PTL, unspec: CD4>CD8, frequently CD7-, CD5-, CD30 variable
AILT: mixed CD4/CD8, numerous FDCs, EBV+ blasts
ATLL: CD4+, CD25+, CD7-, CD30 variable, CD15 variable
ALCL: CD30+, ALK usually positive, EMA+
THRLBCL: large CD20+ blasts, reactive T-cells
atypical T-zone hyperplasia; distinction from T-zone variant of PTL requires molecular analysis.
Usually poor.
World Health Organization Classification of Tumours, Tumours of the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, IARC Press 2001.
This page last revised 23.12.2002.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop