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Determining the site of origin of mucinous adenocarcinoma

Mucinous adenocarcinomas of similar appearance may arise from various primary sites.  


Primary site of mucinous tumour




b-catenin (nuclear)












Lung 16/161 5/161 2/161 0/161, 0/1010, 0/3011, 10%12 0/161 15/161, 0/78,  58%12 4/161,
 0/1010, 18%12
10/1010, 98%12
0/161 0/161 0/161 Napsin: 0/161
TTF-1: 0/161
Breast 18/181 0/181 0/181 0/181 0/181 18/181, 17/177 18/181,16/177 2/177 9/181,12/177 16/181 9/181 0/181  
Stomach 11/121 8/121 10/121 2/121 5/121 6/121 11/121   7/121 0/121, 0/413 0/121 0/121  
Ampulla 1/41 1/41 3/41 1/41 1/41 2/41 4/41   3/41 0/41, 0/413 0/41 0/41  
Pancreas 24/251 15/251 15/251 1/251 2/251 16/251 13/251   21/251 0/251, 0/1313 0/251 0/251  
Appendix 11/271 26/271 24/271 3/271 3/271 4/271 27/271   0/271 0/271 0/271 0/271  
Colorectum 6/371,
6/232, 0/113, 7/414, 13/299
20/232, 11/113, 31/414, 17/299
8/371, 4/414   29/371, 26/414, 10/105, 29/299 24/371,
19/232, 40/416
4/371 37/371, 21/144   1/414 3/371 0/371, 0/2413 0/371 0/371  
Anus 2/51 5/51 1/51 4/51 3/51 2/51 5/51   0/51 0/51 0/51 0/51  
Bladder 3/41 4/41 2/41 0/41 1/41 1/41 4/41   0/41 0/41 0/41 0/41  
Ovary 17/191, 34/432, 11/113, 20/224, 3/149   9/191, 19/432, 8/113, 10/224, 6/149   4/191, 1/224, 15/165, 3/149   1/191, 1/224  0/191, 4/432 6/191 4/19 , 0/22 11/224 3/191 2/191, 0/1113 0/191 9/191  
Endometrium 3/31 0/31 0/31 0/31 0/31 3/31 1/31   0/31 2/31 0/31 3/31  
Cervix 5/51 0/51 0/51 0/51 0/51 5/51 2/51   5/51 3/51, 3/813 0/51 1/51  




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