Home > Tumours > Soft tissue tumours > Skeletal muscle tumours > Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma
This is a proposed rare subtype of rhabdomyosarcoma with an abundant matrix. It may represent a variant of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (evidenced by the presence of strap cells and the preferential expression of MyoD1 over myogenin).
The few cases reported occurred across a wide age range in adults and at a range of anatomical sites (forearm1, hand1 orbit1, nasopharynx1, jaw2, lower leg2, sacrum2), including sites unusual for other types of rhabdomyosarcoma.
Within the matrix, the neoplastic cells form small nests, lobules or trabeculae (as seen in sclerosing osteosarcoma or sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma).
Anastomosing chords may resemble angiosarcoma2. Irregular spaces r lined by atypical cells forming small papillae and tufts.
There may be a microalveolar pattern but not the large alveoli of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The wreath-like giant cells of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma are also lacking.
Focally "strap cells" may be seen.
The mitotic rate is typically high (> 25 mitoses per 20 HPF).
4/4, often limited, dot-like1, 3/3 (focal/weak in one case)2 |
4/4, but limited1, 2/32 |
4/4, diffuse1, 2/32, 2/3 (focal/weak in one case)2 |
2/4, both diffuse1, 3/3 (weak/focal in one case) |
2/2, variable strength1, 3/3 (focal/weak in one case)2 |
myf4 |
2/32 |
2/22 |
fast myosin |
2/2 (focal/weak in one case)2 |
1/1 (focal/weak)2 |
0/22 |
0/41 |
0/12 |
0/41, 0/22 |
0/22 |
0/22 |
1/4 (strongly positive in one case)1, 0/22 |
0/21 |
0/12 |
0/12 |
Pax3/FXHR fusion gene |
0/11, 0/12 |
PAX7/FXHR fusion gene |
0/11, 0/12 |
sclerosing osteosarcoma: the matrix calcifies. Osteoclasts are present. The malignant osteoblasts commonly have an epithelioid morphology. Other patterns of osteosarcoma (chondroblastic, telangectatic) commonly co-exist.
chondrosarcoma: the appearances are bland and there is a lack of highly malignant small round cells. There is true cartilage with lacunae. The vasculature has a branching pattern.
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma: patients are younger. There are well-formed pseudo-alveoli but they lack osteoid- or chondroid-like matrix and strap cells are very unusual. Staining for myogenin is almost always very strong. There is almost universally either a t(2;13)(q35;q14) translocation producing a Pax3/FXHR fusion gene, or a t(1;13)(q36;q14) producing a Pax7/FXHR fusion gene.
myofibroblastic sarcoma: also show stromal hyalinisation but the cytopalsm is paler and skeletal muscle markers are lacking.
triton tumour (MPNST with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation)
sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma: there are foci of typical fibrosarcoma. Musclee markers are negative.
angiosarcoma: the surrounding tissues are diffusely infiltrated by anastomosing vascular channels.
PNET may show anomalous dot-like desmin positivity. Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma may also be CD99 positive.
acantholytic / pseudovascular squamous cell carcinoma.
This page last revised 26.12.2003.
©SMUHT/PW Bishop