Carcinosarcoma, sarcomatoid carcinoma, (low-grade fibromatosis-like) spindle cell carcinoma, carcinoma with pseudosarcomatous metaplasia, matrix-producing carcinoma.
Metaplastic carcinoma constitutes less than 0.6% of breast adenocarcinomas23 .
Metaplastic carcinomas may be biphasic or purely composed of non-glandular elements. Most cases consist of spindle cells with or without a squamous component. The atypical cells form ill-defined fascicles, separated by variable amounts of densely collagenous stroma. The degree of anaplasia is highly variable, from fibromatosis-like lesions to high grade sarcoma. The presence of an in-situ or invasive ductal or lobular carcinomatous component is also variable. Three subtypes have been recognised:
Pure spindle cell, sometimes growing around non-neoplastic ducts. This periductal growth is characteristic of low-grade spindle cell carcinomas22. There may be a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate and osteoclast-like giant cells may be present22.
Spindle cell with heterologous elements; rhabdomyosarcoma. chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma22.
Carcinosarcoma, with a high grade ductal carcinomatous component set in a sarcomatoid spindle cell background.
Variant: low-grade adenosquamous carcinoma is a variant of metaplastic carcinoma20. There are solid cords and hollow tubules within a desmoplastic stroma resembling fibromatosis. There is usually focal squamous differentiation. The tumours are locally invasive but metastases to axillary lymph nodes are rare.
Low-grade (fibromatosis-like) spindle cell tumour of the breast has a somewhat different range of differentials.
metaplastic carcinoma |
phyllodes tumour |
spindle cells |
epithelial / myoepithelial cells |
spindle cells |
epithelial / myoepithelial cells |
Wide spectrum screening keratin |
0/113 |
High MW cytokeratin |
85% (8/181, 4/243, 15/193, 0/64, 0/25, 7/88, 1/19, 11/1310, 1/111, 59/6012, 10/1613 , 4/414, 23/2716, 10/1117), 7/1722 |
13/181 |
1/281 |
28/281 |
17/2019 |
0/519 |
Low MW cytokeratins |
8/181, 3/243, 0/64, 6/77, 7/88 , 4/414, 12/2715, 9/1417, 5/56, 22/2716 , 8/2019, 4/1022 |
10/2322 |
CK5 |
9/181, 14/2019 |
14/181 |
0/281, 0/519 |
28/281 |
16/2523 |
9/181, 5/1117 |
14/181 |
0/281 |
28/281 |
9/181, 13/2019, 9/1022 |
13/181 |
0/281, 0/519 |
28/281 |
CK17 |
14/2019 |
0/519 |
4/181 |
12/181 |
0/281 |
28/281 |
35% (7/213, 0/77, 7/88, 11/1310, 11/4812, 4/1213, 8/2615, 7/2716, 4/817) |
3/77 |
10/181, 1/111, 4/64, 9/2019, 1/2322 |
8/181, 4/64 |
2/281, 0/519 |
28/281 |
13/181, 12/2019, 15/2122 |
3/181 |
19/281, 0/519 |
25/281 |
16/2019 |
1/519 |
16/2019 |
18/2019 |
0/519 |
11/2019 |
0/519 |
Maspin |
9/2019 |
0/519 |
4/2019 |
0/519 |
1/1522 |
1/2019, 0/2122 |
0/519 |
SM-M |
1/2019 |
0/519 |
0/181, 0/112 |
0/181 |
27/281, patchy (26 cases, median 75% of spindle cells staining. Staining is less in malignant cases)2 |
0/281 |
1/181, negative (11 cases)2 |
7/181 |
12/281, positive (26 cases)2 |
25/281, positive in minority of spindle cells (26 cases)2 |
mCEA |
0/64 |
0/64 |
21/243, 1/111, 4/64, 7/77, 19/2019 |
2/64 |
5/519 |
12/2122, 17/2523 |
Laminin b3 chain |
24/2523 |
Laminin c2 chain |
24/2523 |
fibroadenoma |
pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia |
myoid hamartoma |
positive in 100% of spindle cells in most of 15 cases2 |
positive in a median of 75% in 2 cases |
uniformly positive (5 cases) |
positive in 10% of spindle cells (1 case) |
positive in spindle cells and epithelium(15 cases)2 |
p63 shows a high degree of sensitivity and specificity for metaplastic carcinoma |
metaplastic carcinoma |
spindle cell |
10/1018, 14/2019 |
squamous cell |
2/218 |
chondroid |
1/318 |
invasive non-metaplastic carcinoma |
invasive ductal carcinoma |
1/15918 |
invasive lobular carcinoma |
0/1018 |
mixed ductal and lobular carcinoma |
0/518 |
Phyllodes tumour |
benign |
0/418 |
malignant |
0/618, 1/519 |
Primary sarcomas |
fibrosarcoma |
0/118 |
liposarcoma |
0/218 |
osteosarcoma |
0/118 |
high-grade NOS |
0/118 |
In a comparative study, Laminin 5 had greater sensitivity for metaplastic and triple negative carcinomas than did p63 and CK5/6:
Laminin b3 chain |
metaplastic breast carcinoma |
24/2523 |
17/2523 |
16/2523 |
12/1223 |
2/1223 |
6/1223 |
4/2523 |
4/2523 |
2/2523 |
Breast sarcoma |
0/423 |
1/423 |
0/423 |
Phyllodes tumour with stromal overgrowth or sarcoma arising in a phyllodes tumour. Phyllodes tumours are positive for CD34.
Spindle cell carcinoma: fibromatosis, myofibroblastic tumours, pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia, nodular fasciitis. Spindle cell carcinomas are positive for cytokeratins.
Low-grade adenosquamous carcinoma: nipple adenoma (if near the nipple): tubular structures entrapped in a radial scar.
Myoepithelial carcinoma: a more aggressive tumour: requires electron microscopy, which shows pinocytotic vesicles and microfilaments21.
Those tumours which lack or have a minimal invasive overtly epithelial component may behave more like sarcomas, showing local recurrence and metastasizing to lung rather than to lymph nodes21,22. These are reportedly aggressive tumours22.
8 Merino MJ et al. Spindle-cell carcinoma of the breast: a clinicopathologic, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study of eight cases. Surg Pathol 1988;1:193-201.
11 Raju, G.C. and Wee, A. Spindle cell carcinoma of the breast. Histopathology 1990;16:497-9.
This page last revised 4.5.2008
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