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May 2008

A letter in AJSP advices that immunohistochemical sections should always be accompanied by contemporaneous H&E sections1. This may well be good practice and certainly it reminds us that Immunohistochemistry needs to be interpreted in the context of morphology.

If you want to find a lot more information about specific genes/proteins, the iHOP (information Hyperlink Over Proteins) web site has taken many thousands of abstracts from PubMed, parsed them for gene names and MESH terms, then published the information as a hyperlinked web of pages. I wonder if something similar could be done but restricted to immunohistochemistry...

New items in the vade mecum include:


1 Hoda SA,Rosen PP. Contemporaneous H&E sections should be standard practice in diagnostic immunopathology. Am J Surg Pathol 2007; 31:1627