Home > Prologue > Updates and news > May 2008
A letter in AJSP advices that immunohistochemical sections should always be accompanied by contemporaneous H&E sections1. This may well be good practice and certainly it reminds us that Immunohistochemistry needs to be interpreted in the context of morphology.
If you want to find a lot more information about specific genes/proteins, the iHOP (information Hyperlink Over Proteins) web site has taken many thousands of abstracts from PubMed, parsed them for gene names and MESH terms, then published the information as a hyperlinked web of pages. I wonder if something similar could be done but restricted to immunohistochemistry...
New items in the vade mecum include:
MDM2/CDK4 in lipomatous tumours.
DOG1 as a marker for gastrointestinal stromal tumours
IMP3 is helpful in the differentiation of endometrioid from serous endometrial adenocarcinoma and in predicting the prognosis of renal cell carcinoma.
Brachyury expression may resolve the relationship between axial chordomas, extra-axial skeltal chordomas, and soft tissue parachordomas.
Glypican-3 in yolk sac tumours and hepatocellular carcinomas
Langerin has a high specifiticy for Langerhans cells in both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
GCDFP-15 stains a characteristic subset of primary pulmonary adenocarcinomas
Carbonic anhydrase IX is of potential diagnostic and prognostic importance in a number of carcinomas.
Islet 1 is a transcription factor which is a useful marker for pancreatic endocrine tumours.