Home > Tumours > Lung > Malignant epithelial tumours > Carcinoid tumour > Carcinoid: pulmonary v gastrointestinal v pancreatic
The morphological similarity between carcinoid tumours of various sites along with their similar expression of neuroendocrine markers makes it difficult to predict the site of origin of a metastatic neuroendocrine tumour.
CK7+ / CK20- |
CK7- / CK20+ |
CK7- / CK20- |
0/161, 0/92 |
9/161, 2/92 |
0/161, 0/92 |
7/161, 7/92 |
0/153, 0/204 |
0/205 |
0/204 |
1/204 |
11/161, 8/153, 7/204
gastric carcinoid |
0/81 |
1/81 |
0/81 |
7/81 |
1/63, 0/54 |
1/55 |
3/54 |
0/54 |
1/81, 0/63, 0/54 |
duodenal carcinoid |
4/63, 0/54 |
5/55 |
4/54 |
0/54 |
0/63, 0/54 |
small intestinal carcinoid |
0/191 |
0/191 |
4/191 |
15/191 |
6/63, 30/314 |
0/314 |
0/314 |
large intestinal carcinoid |
2/171 |
2/171 |
4/171 |
8/171 |
2/124 |
1/124 |
0/171, 0/183, 0/124 |
appendiceal carcinoid |
0/21 |
0/21 |
1/21 |
1/21 |
6/73, 11/114 |
4/195 |
6/114 |
0/114 |
0/23, 0/114 |
gastrointestinal overall |
2/461, 0/152 |
3/461, 2/152 |
9/461, 1/152 |
32/461, 12/152 |
29/433 |
10/295 |
1/463 |
pancreatic endocrine tumour |
2/121 |
4/121 |
2/121 |
4/121 |
6/203, 7/394 |
42/635 |
0/121, 0/203, 0/394 |
TTF-1 is highly specific for pulmonary carcinoids. CK20 positivity indicators a non-pulmonary primary site of a carcinoid. CDX-2 and Islet 1 are also helpful in this differential.
Data to be added:
This page last revised 1.5.2010