Home > Tumours > Genitourinary tract > Kidney > Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma
This is a very rare type of renal cell carcinoma. It occurs in adults across a wide age range, with an equal sex incidence2. There is an association with nephrolithiasis2.
The tumours are circumscribed, with a pushing non-infiltrating margin. They have an "elastic" consistency and contain small foci of haemorrhage and necrosis2.
The tumour is composed of two cell types. The predominant type is a spindle cell with sparse cytoplasm, arranged in fascicles, resembling a low-grade smooth muscle tumour. The second is a small cuboidal cell forming tubular structures and sheets. The tubules are elongated and curving, giving a "fingerprint" appearance. There is a bubbly myxoid stroma which stains intensely with alcian blue. In places, cord of cells float in the abundant stroma, reminiscent extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma . Cysts and papillae are not seen. The cytological appearances are low grade. There is scant cytoplasm and nuclei may protruding into lumina to give a hobnail appearance. Mitoses occur, but are rarely atypical.
One reported case was associated with a conventional renal cell carcinoma2.
Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma |
4/112, 4/4 (but weak)3 |
11/112, 4/43 |
22/271, 9/92, 4/43 |
0/43 |
0/43 |
4/261, 4/43 |
3/201 |
19/201, 11/112, 4/43 |
11/112, 4/43 |
2/271, negative4 |
5/201 |
4/271 |
0/112, 0/43 |
1/211 |
3/171 |
1/43 |
the spindle cells are negative, 0/92, 0/43 |
the spindle cells are negative, 0/112 |
the spindle cells are negative, 0/112, 0/43 |
0/112 |
negative4 |
0/43 |
up to 15/HPF2 |
0/238 |
The cuboidal cells have short microvilli on the apical borders and tight junctions on the lateral borders. There are no melanosomes or microfilaments2.
There are genetic losses involving multiple chromosomes4,5. Fluorescence in situ hybridization detects no von Hippel-Lindau gene deletions on chromosome 3p25, which are characteristic for clear cell renal carcinomas5. The gains in chromosomes 7 and 17 and loss of chromosome Y characteristic of papillary renal cell carcinoma are not see in mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma.
Papillary renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid change. The tubular cells are similar to those of basophilic papillary renal cell carcinoma and the spindle cell component. However, the spindle cells are polymorphous with prominent nuclei. Mitotic figures, including atypical mitoses, are common. Rarely, papillary renal cell carcinoma may show extracellular mucin. The prognosis is far worse than for mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma.
Collecting duct carcinoma: also shows the hobnail appearance due to nuclei protruding into lumina. However, they have infiltrating margins and high-grade cytology. They are positive for Ulex europaeus and pCEA.
Metanephric adenoma: there is a small acinar component whcih has basophilic cytoplasm. These tumours are devoid of stroma and a spindle cell component is lacking. They are always negative for CK7 and EMA.
Angiomyolipoma with a predominant leiomyomatous component: there is positivity for HMB45 and HMB50. Premelanosomes are present on electron microscopy.
Smooth muscle neoplasm are positive for SMA, desmin and other muscle markers.
To date, only two of forty six cases have shown metastases2 and there have been no tumour-related deaths.
7 Srigley JR, Eble JN, Grignon DJ, et al: Unusual renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with prominent spindle cell change possibly related to the loop of Henle. Mod Pathol 12:107A, 1999.
This page last revised 2.2.2008.
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